Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

The Non-Silence of Elizabeth Warren: The Next Democratic President Might Get the Trump Treatment.  After being “silenced” — when she dismissed the rules of the Senate — she wasted no time in sending out an email to raise money.  It is rather pathetic that she compared herself with true heroes.  

Sen. Tim Scott, on the other hand, is a Senator we should all be proud of.  

The Daily Signal on the increased cost of food with the $15 minimum wage.  The Coming Minimum-Wage Tsunami Will Wash Away Millions Of Minority Jobs.  

This article is about the New Trier High School in north suburban Chicago, can you be sure it isn’t about your local high school also?

By Getting Rid Of Education Department, Trump Can Fulfill Reagan’s Wish.  

The main stream media doesn’t give us all the facts…here is why President Trump and a problem with Australia.   

Americans Trust Trump Administration More Than News Media in New Poll.  

Former State Dept Official: Trump Didn’t Go Far Enough on Refugee Order, I Have Seen First-hand Its Abuse, Fraud

Terror Threat: Venezuela Has Been Selling Official Passports to Anyone Willing To Pay…In Iraq.

Mayor deBlasio is making YOU pay for his re-election campaign




Daily Update

Congressman John Faso was a guest on Tucker Carlson Tonight last night, if you missed it, here is the video. 

Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis speaks loud and clear for the safety of New York’s citizens. 

Michael Goodwin writes in today’s NY Post that the Democratic party has lost its mind — and its soul. 

The hypocrisy of the left:  Watch this 2012 video of Sen. Cory Booker.   More on this in

More hypocrisy from Senator Chuck Schumer. 

Governor Andrew Cuomo continues to do what he can to buy Buffalo’s votes — here he is pushing free college tuition in Buffalo.

Larry Levy writes about voter fraud in the Wall Street Journal.  (subscription required.)  Don’t worry however, this leader in California’s legislature can get you fake social security numbers, driver’s licenses and “green” cards.  He knows from personal experience as to quote him ” half of my family would be eligible for deportation” because they have obtained false documents. 

Still no decision from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.   President Trump mounts public defense of immigration order, blasts ‘political’ courts.  Will the 9th Circuit surprise us

BREAKING:  No decision today from the 9th Circuit Court.

Border security means that entering is privilege, not a right.

Charles Hurt has a great article in today’s Washington Times:  ‘1984’: Making liberals great again.  

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams




Daily Update


Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan stands up for the safety of New York State residents.

GOP breathes new hope into the education system when Betsy DeVos wins confirmation as education secretary as VP Pence casts historic vote

The Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren’s, leftist elitist in Hollywood want a government like this;  Venezuela is still paying for its failed experiment with socialism

Look at what is happening in Canada: Euthanasia ‘Safeguards’ Soon Seen as ‘Hurdles’.  Mr Wesley J. Smith has profound words at the end of his column….”We need to think about this as the assisted suicide argument unfolds here: Accepting euthanasia changes a society’s collective consciousness. The impetus to protect life soon morphs into a drive to embrace death.”

Did they not learn there lessons…undocumented aliens should not be given driver’s licenses. 

The Empire Center has a great tool to understand the NYS Budget…check it out here.

This is good news for those who have to visit the VA hospitals

Time Warner News writes about our conference last week.  And Chairman Mike Long was on Fred Dicker’s radio program last can hear him here.  Chairman Long begins at the 25:15 mark. The Times Union even covered our CPPAC event last week. 

Big Brother has a new role


Daily Update

First things first….what an exciting Super Bowl game, despite the commercials that were not up to par or outright political.  Personally I missed Budweiser’s Clysdale horses.

On to more important things,   The Daily Signal informs us that more than 100 sanctuary cities across America received a total of $27 billion in federal funds in one year of which $7.6 billion goes to NYC.  Look at the chart and realize how much of a hole the NYC budget will have if President Trump withholds funds because NYC insists it should be a sanctuary city.  

Rogue Federal Bureaucrats Threaten Trump’s Agenda

Why the North Carolina voter ID case matters.

You have to be strong and comfortable in your beliefs to swim upstream when everyone else is swimming in the opposite direction. 

Will President Trump be able to fix this

Nothing surprising here:  GOP defectors have received thousands from Teacher’s Union.

File these articles under:  Do as I say, not as I do.   Honestly, the arrogance of the left is beyond belief. 

Look Who Funds The Group Behind The Call To Arms At Milo’s Berkeley Event.   Here is more on liberal tolerance.

A N.Y. health law so broken, it’s sick

One would think that a “bleeding heart liberal” would have more compassion for the most vulnerable of New York’s population. 

On Ronald Reagan’s birthday, here is his gift to you

Thomas Sowell feels that strongly about education that he offers us some wise words. 


Weekly Wrap-Up

All week we’ve seen how President Trump is short-circuiting Washington, through the truly radical act of keeping his campaign promises. Will the left lose it every time the President simply does what he said he was going to do?

Donald Trump has accomplished quite a bit in his first weeks in office – how happy are you by his leadership right now? And what would you say is President Trump’s most important action so far? Those are the first two questions in our new Weekly Poll.

The media and liberal activists (but I repeat myself) are responding to the Trump shake-up with fake news, fake news, and more fake news

And talk about fake: New York’s own Chuck Schumer cried “crocodile tears” over President Trump’s so-called “Muslim ban” or “immigration ban.”  And will he be sobbing uncontrollably at the news that Americans actually support the President’s actions?

Make no mistake, there’s plenty for Schumer to be sad about – from the Democrats’ electoral misfortunes to the complete failure of policies he advocates. What do you think Sen. Schumer should really be crying over? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

The latest Paris attack may once again prove President Trump right about his concerns over America’s security. The President advised the nation to “get smart” after the Louvre attack, and if you ask me America started getting smart by electing Donald Trump in the first place.

Meanwhile President Trump showed his smarts by nominating a principled conservative to the Supreme Court. Neil Gorsuch is an originalist judge in the mold of Antonin Scalia – exactly what President Trump promised the American people as he campaigned for the White House. 

And as if on cue, the liberals cranked up the fake news – and this time made a particularly pathetic effort.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Despite the left’s continued hysteria regarding President Trump’s temporary banning of people from 7 countries, Rasmussen is reporting that most likely voters still favor the refugee freeze.   Obviously, those who remain hysterical are not students of history and have no recollection of Winston Churchill’s “iron curtain” speech, that was received much the same as Trump’s ban originally, yet became a turning point in the 20th Century.   

Seth McLaughlin opines in the Washington Times that mob rules drive Democrats: Leaderless party revolves around fight against Trump

Donald Devine, senior scholar at the Fund for American Studies, opines in the Imaginative Conservative on How Should Conservatives Respond to President Trump’s Nationalism?  He also speculates in the American Spectator on if there will be an effect due to the 90 day hiring freeze. 

The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) writes about voter fraud in this article.  Hans von Spakovsky now manages the Election Law Reform Initiative at the Heritage Foundation and he  told WND and Radio America a thorough federal investigation into voting laws is clearly warranted.

Neil Gorsuch Could Rule on These 3 Big Cases If He Joins Supreme Court Soon

Bill Hammond, writes in the NY Torch, that Governor Cuomo’s executive budget calls for aggressive action to slow rising drug prices; while it may “sound” good, it relies on heavy-handed state regulation of drug prices – raises doubts as to its fairness, effectiveness, workability, and even legality.  Read more here

Tim Hoefer, also writing in the NY Torch, says this, “Taxpayers beware: the annual push to water down New York’s property tax cap is underway in the state Legislature.”  Read the rest of his article here

Need a check list for change:  The Empire Center provides it here.  Why not send your state legislator a copy of what the Empire Center recommends.  If your state legislator gets enough copies, maybe, just maybe they will read it and implement some solutions.

Of course, our Legislative Program is another good read for your legislators.  Send them a copy of our program also to let them know there are numerous ways to stop the hemorrhaging of people and jobs as they escape from the high taxes and numerous regulations stifling economic growth. 

Your Assembly Member’s email is here.  Your Senate Member’s email is here. 

Daily Update

Ed Whelan, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, is a former law clerk to Justice Scalia opines in National Review on President Trump’s nomination of Neil Gorsuch.   “Neil Gorsuch an ideal Antonin Scalia replacement, conservative legal scholars say” is the Washington Times headline.  Bob Fredricks opines in the NY Post on what makes Gorsuch so appealing to conservatives.  Politico also has an article on Judge Gorsuch that included this tidbit, On Tuesday, Obama’s former ethics czar, Norm Eisen, another classmate, tweeted: “Hearing rumors Trump’s likely Supreme Court pick is Neil Gorsuch, my (and President Obama’s!) 1991 Harvard Law classmate.If so, a great guy!”  Read the rest of the article here

Of course, the confirmation will not be smooth sailing as the democrats, led by Senator Schumer,  have already announced plans to filibuster his nomination.   Sen. Schumer should remember that in 2017 we have the ability to remind him and voters of his past words.  Watch Schumer v Schumer here.   Today’s NY Post editorial also reminds Sen. Schumer that he is a man who has no moral compass; his only compass is to say what he thinks his constituents want to hear at any given moment and more than willing to change his beliefs at any given moment. 

Perhaps some of the democrats who do not want to confirm Judge Gorsuch should read how his liberal colleagues and students love him

Guy Benson writes that there are cracks in the Senate Blue Wall.

For those who still think President Trump was wrong to fire Sally Yates, read this dissent by US Supreme Court Justice Scalia

Possible mayoral candidate Paul Massey agrees with Mayor de Blasio when he says NYC should stay a sanctuary city…really Mr. Massey.  You really think it is okay for NYC to disregard the United States Constitution and defy federal law…what other laws do you think it would be okay to defy?

New York’s high tobacco taxes cost the state billions.  Read why here.  

De Blasio again dodges the truth on Charters.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams


Daily Update

The Daily Signal notes that President Trump’s refugee order balances security and compassion and is well within his authority to do so according to Laura Ingraham.  You can read the section of law for yourself; here is 8 US Code, Section 1182 F that Ms. Ingraham cited the morning on Fox and Friends.  The left is apoplectic about President Trump’s firing of Sally Yates, meanwhile,  Sebastian Gorka tries to set the record straight reminding everyone that President Trump is doing what he promised to do as a candidate. 

Congressman Chris Collins, made the news when he addressed the 50th Annual CPPAC as the featured luncheon speaker, where his remarks were warmly received by those in the audience

Senator Michael Gianaris (D-Queens) introduces legislation that puts New Yorkers safety at risk

There are Muslims who support President Trump’s initiative

Watch this, then remind your liberal friends where the left wing was just a few years ago. 

Is Governor Cuomo trying to ease his conscience by doing this?   This is the true Governor, donning a pink scarf and kissing the rings of Family Planning Advocates.  Governor Cuomo, over the weekend posted this on Twitter “As New Yorkers we have no tolerance for intolerance and that’s what we’re going to stand up and say.”  The same man that said this 3 years ago, “… they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”  We have no place, but possible terrorists do.  Governor Cuomo is having an identity crisis and doesn’t appear to know who he is and what he stands for lately.  He proposes “free college” then he proposes a budget with increased SUNY Fees

Mayor de Blasio really takes care of his friends while ignoring the really important problems that are occurring right under his nose.

Wow:  Charity takes care of itself first. 


Weekly Wrap-Up

The Trump Administration is off to a stunningly conservative start, and one issue that stands out is border security. President Trump is keeping his promises and cracking down on illegal immigration, through “radical” ideas like securing the borders, enforcing the law and putting “sanctuary cities” on notice that they can no longer harbor criminal illegal immigrants.

President Trump’s actions this week mark the return of U.S. sovereignty and start the process of ending the Obama Era of open borders. (Unfortunately, the crusade by liberals like Andrew Cuomo to make fools of themselves is stronger than ever.)

What do you think will be the biggest benefit of putting a stop to illegal immigration? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

And don’t let the national media dismiss your concerns – illegals did vote for Hillary in November, and President Trump is right to investigate.

The March for Life is taking place today in Washington, and this year’s event is defined by a new spirit of optimism with conservative leadership in both the White House and Congress.

The White House is making a strong show of support. President Trump will call in to the gathering, while Vice-President Mike Pence and top White House strategist Kellyanne Conway will speak.

What’s the main reason that you are pro-life? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

The crowd at the March for Life will be very youthful – which shouldn’t be surprising, as young people are witnessing technological advances which show that abortion isn’t about just a choice but rather a living human being.

The Daily Signal reminds us that while the 2016 elections were a pro-life victory, the fight isn’t over and pro-life legislation still needs to be passed. And new reports show us that Mayor de Blasio is showing a stunning indifference to the suffering of at-risk children in New York City.

We have two very serious poll questions this week, so let’s end with something a bit lighter: Who do you think will win the Super Bowl – the Falcons or the Patriots? Shaun Marie will post the results next Friday, just in time for the big game.

It was 26 years ago today that we had an all-New York Super Bowl with a photo finish – remembered now as one of the best Super Bowls ever. Do you remember watching that one? I certainly do.

This year there’s a brewing (literally!) rivalry between these two teams, and the media is consumed with Tom Brady’s friendship with Donald Trump. Of course, the ads are as anticipated as the game.

Have a great weekend!


Daily Update

“We must think big and dream even bigger” says Larry Kudlow in his National Review article, quoting President Trump’s inaugural speech.  Kudlow focuses on President Trump’s optimism, as do the people who voted for Donald J. Trump.

Heather R. Higgins opines in the Wall Street Journal(subscription required) on the Promise of President Trump

President Trump keeping his promises on Day 6. More on President Trump’s actions here.

House passes bill banning taxpayer funding for abortion!  Click here for the Roll Call vote.  Now, we must get the Senate to pass the same bill.  There is no doubt that Sen. Schumer, the new champion to the left, will do all in his power to stop the bill from being passed, but he doesn’t understand that our voices are stronger than ever.  And he (Schumer) has meet his match in Sen. Tom Cotton.  More and more individuals are becoming pro-life; here is one outstanding article by Ann McElhinney

HHS Nominee Tom Price Urges Medicaid Changes to Improve Health Care

Governor Andrew Cuomo proposes another power grab!  This is a very dangerous precedent and must be stricken from the proposed budget. 

Bob Lonsberry has another item to cut from the Govenor’s budget…and we think he is right on target. 

Cuomo defends REDCs amid criticisms and START-UP NY.  Wow, Gov. Cuomo says this in the first linked article:  “The governor went on to say that ceding control of that money would turn the REDCs into local pork barrel spending. And “a pork barrel machine” is “how local politicians get into trouble.”  I have one word for the Governor:  Percocco.  Your arrogance is blinding, Governor. 

E. J. McMahon points out the business index is faltering and has been for four months.  Register for CPPAC and learn more from E. J. McMahon as he explains the NYS Budget in terms we can all understand. 

Mayor de Blasio releases his inflated budget. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams. 


Daily Update

Former President Obama promised to continue to oppose Voter-ID laws in private life insisting that the US was the only country that makes it difficult to vote.  WRONG!  Read John Fund’s article in National Review on-line here.  Even in Obama’s last hours as President, he chose to defy Congress by quietly sending $221M to the Palestinians. 

Fortunately, Senator Schumer was prevented from stopping the confirmation of Mike Pompeo as CIA Chief.  Senator Schumer is showing his very thin skin…too bad he doesn’t realize that it wasn’t the words in his speech that was being booed, it was the words prior to the speech — the obstruction he was calling for to slow down President Trump’s nominees.  BIG mistake made by Sen. Schumer; bet he wishes he didn’t ask Sen. Cotton where he was 8 years ago…

Demonstrators showed a disgusting display of who they truly are: violent anarchists who are enemies of America.  Two Gold Star family members were accosted by these anarchists while attempting to attend the Military Inaugural Ball to honor our military and best friends, Brendan Looney and Travis Manion who both made the ultimate sacrifice.   Rest in Peace Brendan and Travis, we will be forever in your debt.   Some despicable demonstrators actually have the gall to ask for bail money. 

Should “spontaneous” be spelled “Soros”?  When it comes to women marching, perhaps that is the only way to spell it

More good news from the new administration here

Wow, it really does not look as if the democrats have learned why they lost the 2016 elections. More importantly, with these people running for DNC Chair, they are guaranteeing they will continue to lose elections. 

Will we have a Supreme Court Justice nominee this week?  Possibly, according to President Trump

Little known facts about Roe v. Wade.  Bill Hammond writes how Gov. Cuomo overreaches on reproductive health. 

Governor Cuomo’s budget is filled with taxes and fees he isn’t telling you about.  Does Governor Cuomo have the ability to print money now,,,or does he not care about driving more people out of New York State.

Dennis Vacco appeared on the Fred Dicker show this morning, you can listen here, however, if you attend our 50th Annual CPPAC beginning on Sunday, you will be able to hear him in person and ask questions.  Register now….click here for the rest of the agenda

Is Dennis Prager right, are we currently in a 2nd Civil War? 

Daily Update

The Trump Administration began with keeping a promise made to his supporters.  On Friday, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order to begin the repeal and replacement of Obamacare and create a system to help Americans have reasonably priced health insurance.  He will need his nominees to head federal agencies and so far, the Democrats who bitterly complained about republican obstruction, appear to be obstructing without just cause

The Daily Signal provides the full transcript of President Trump’s Inaugural address here.   And Gary North writes that Trump’s Inaugural address was like no other in history

Here is the link to the new White House website.   The Hill writes about what President Trump has done today.  Happy to report that one of his first actions included cutting off federal funding for foreign organizations that provide abortions.

President Trump is focused on cutting spending and Governor Andrew Cuomo is focused on spending more; including expanding abortion coverage.  Governor Cuomo is obviously unaware of United Van Lines latest release on annual movers.  His budget proposals practically push New Yorkers’ out of New York State, it extends the film and TV tax credit for three yearsmaintains the wasteful Start-UP NY with a new name, free college hailed by the Socialist Alternativeextends the millionaires tax, but Speaker Heastie says an even higher rate is needed.    Apparently, United Van Lines will be busy in New York next year, if Governor Cuomo’s spending spree is passed by the legislature.

Former AG Dennis Vacco is on a crusade we strongly agree with.  We sincerely hope that you will attending our 50th Annual Conference, to learn how you can help end the medical aid in dying proposal. 

File this under:  So much for tolerance

Monday’s with Robert J. Knight