Author: george

Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap Up 7/26/24

This week, I had the honor of attending the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Here is a recap of the week’s extraordinary events.

Day 1: We Have a Nominee

On Monday afternoon, Trump announced his Vice President, and news of his pick quickly filled the stadium where the voting was taking place. Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio was chosen as the rightful pick, putting forward a new visionary for American politics. Americans need another Trump presidency to stem the tide of liberalism that the Biden Administration represents, and J.D. Vance is a person who will fight for working class Americans who have not had their voices heard for the last four years. You can read our full press release on soon-to-be Vice President Vance here:

The New York delegation, including Rep. Elise Stefanik, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, and Rep. Mike Lawler were also there to represent conservative politics. Rep. Stefanik had the honor of declaring all of New York’s 91 delegates had voted for President Trump. During the final speech of the evening, Senator Vance, Rep. Lawler and Rep. Malliotakis were hailed as heroes by Teamsters Union President, Sean O’Brien, saying that they are “elected officials who truly care about working people.”

Finally, at the end of the night, Donald Trump made his triumphant return after Saturday’s assassination attempt. With the crowds chanting his name and telling him to fight on, Trump seemed grateful, both for the love his supporters give him and his new lease on life.

Days 2 & 3: Make America Safe and Strong Again

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R/C-NY) took to the stage on day two to acknowledge that this is the most important election of our lifetime and “our constitution and the soul of our very nation are on the ballot.” Gov. Ron DeSantis, put forward the Trump agenda, calling for common sense changes to protect the border, the economy, and Americans as a whole. Nikki Haley called for unity, saying that she may not agree with everything Trump stands for or wants to do, but she agrees more often than she disagrees, and therefore, “for the sake of our nation, we have to go with Donald Trump.” You can view our full press release on night two here:

The NYS Conservative Party was thrilled that New York’s very own Lee Zeldin, had a prime-time speaking spot on night three of the convention. After almost unseating Governor Kathy Hochul in a deep blue state, Lee’s message echoed across the Country. He brought his enthusiasm to Milwaukee and knocked it out of the park. To be frank, I can’t think of another political leader with a brighter future than Lee. You can read our full press release on night three here.

Finally, at the end of night three, we heard from the next Vice President, J.D. Vance. First, Vance introduced himself to the country. Many people outside of Ohio had no idea who this freshman senator was; on Wednesday, that changed. Vance, whose life story truly symbolizes the American dream, is the perfect person to represent America. Strategically, Vance revealed what he brought to the campaign: the Midwest. Many times throughout his speech he mentioned Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin. These are must-win states for the Trump campaign, and with an Ohioan on the ticket, the campaign has an extra advantage on Biden.

Day 4: Make America Great Once Again

Today, President Trump took to the stage in his highly anticipated speech. His 92-minute speech set the record for the longest nomination speech, during which he portrayed confidence, strength, and hope for the future. The President started by recalling the tragic events that happened last weekend and brought out the uniform of Corey Comperatore, asking for a moment of silence for his memory. The President made a pledge to the nation. He will end inflation, bring down interest rates, and lower energy costs. He will never stop fighting for us, repeating that this movement is not about him, but about the American people. When Trump returns to the White House in January, America will come first once again.

The last four days have been an experience I will never forget, never before have Conservatives and Republicans ever been so united behind a presidential candidate. This November we make the choice between America First and America Last. Today we stand behind, and fully endorse the next President and Vice President of the United States of America: Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance. You can read our full press release on night four here.

Help Trump and the Conservative Party

As election day draws near, we see time and time again that liberal policies are failing, and New Yorkers are taking notice. We are working to raise money for our campaign operations; help the Conservative Party fund its candidates for President, Congress, State Legislature, and local offices by supporting our efforts. Early money in a campaign is the most important funding in a campaign cycle. By working together, we can create a solid campaign budget for November’s elections. Your support would be greatly appreciated. You can donate by following this link here. If you would like to support us by mail, please make checks out to NYS Conservative Party, 486 78th St. Brooklyn, NY 11209.

Statement From NYS Conservative Party 7/25/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
July 25, 2024

Statement on Washington Flag Burnings by Left-Wing Radicals fromNew York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“There’s a reason millions of Americans cheer when President Donald Trump says ‘fight, fight, fight!’ Patriotic Americans, like Rep. Brandon Williams who replaced three American flags Wednesday that had been burned by radical leftists in our nation’s capital, have had it with the despicable anti-American political violence coming from the Left.


We’ve been here before: 1960s and 1970s radicals held the nation hostage with political violence a generation ago. Those acts of violence included hundreds of bombings, bank robberies, and the assassination of police officers who symbolize public safety in America. These radicals are not people who believe in Democracy. They are hardened and often professional Socialists who will do anything in their arsenal to fundamentally change the nation in their image.

“Is it any wonder that 1970’s anti-American radicalism led to the unabashed patriotism of the Reagan Era?

“History is now repeating itself. Millions upon millions of Americans, including countless traditional Democrats, are rallying around President Trump’s call for a renewed American spirit. Make no mistake about it: we’re taking this country back. The anti-Americanism of today’s left-wing has struck a powerful nerve. The country is ready to move forward again.”




2024 Statewide Ballot Proposal

“The proposed Board of Elections wording is a satisfactory compromise which allows both sides to move forward, making important points relative to their positions. The New York State Conservative Party position on this amendment is clear — this is a vague, anything-goes proposal that will lead to massive confusion and countless Constitutional challenges on issues including age, female sports, parental rights, and noncitizen voting . We strongly oppose Prop One, but accept the Board of Elections’ compromise ballot language.”

New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar, July 24, 2024

Read the draft proposal.


NY POST: Politicians looking to end-run NY clear demand for clean elections

Conservative Party Vice-Chairman Allen Roth and together with pollster John McLaughlin discuss Governor Hochul and the radical Democratic-controlled State Legislature attempt to do an end-run around the will of New York’s citizens

On Election Day, the public decisively defeated Propositions 1, 3 and 4.

  • Prop 1 would’ve effectively ended the bipartisan redistricting commission that voters passed by referendum in 2017, and also given special protection to count illegal immigrants in redistricting. It lost 56 percent to 44 percent.
  • Prop 3, to allow same-day voter registration in a state that doesn’t require ID to vote, lost 58-42.
  • Prop 4, to legalize no-excuse absentee ballots, and so enable ballot harvesting, went down by 56-44.

These decisive victories for honest elections won support across all parties, ideologies, and areas of the state. Yet Hochul has chosen to ignore the voters’ will. The day before Thanksgiving, she signed a law to gut the work of the bipartisan, voter-approved redistricting commission and let simple majorities of the Democratic-controlled Legislature approve new redistricting lines.

Read The Full Story Here-

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Rent Moratorium Renewed, No Vaccination Mandates,Texas Signs new Abortion Law

Rent Moratorium Renewed

The New York State Democratic majority in the Assembly and Senate convened a special session this week to renew the rent moratorium that will certainly cost some landlords their property, decrease affordable housing, and sets the stage for rents to become astronomical at the end of the moratorium.

This needs not be the case and is evident by this morning’s jobs report, there are millions and millions of jobs to be had around the country, many of them right here in New York State.

The moratorium extension is an attempt to cover up the state’s failure to disburse rental assistance funds. Nationally, $1.7 billion was made available by the Federal Government and nearly 90% has yet to be distributed. In July New York’s own $2.7 billion funds, consisting of both Federal and State money, had barely been touched. This is yet another massive failure by the State of New York to do its job.

The results of their incompetence could spell more disaster for New York and will certainly lead to skyrocketing rental prices all over the state.

No Vaccination Mandates

Currently, there are several lawsuits making their way through the judicial system to stop government efforts to make the COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for teachers and health care workers.

“My body my choice” is a war cry amongst the liberal left, unless they’re the ones telling you what to do. Hypocrisy and the ultimate lack of self-awareness.

There are also a number of lawsuits pending that would block NYC’s requiring of indoor venues, such as restaurants, to show proof of vaccination before dining within their establishment.

The Conservative Party supports these efforts. In no way shape or form will we ever side with those weaponizing the government to infringe on your civil liberties.

While I am fully vaccinated and think getting one is a good idea, it is becoming all too easy for our freedoms to be trampled upon on this issue and so many others.

Texas Signs new Abortion Law

I was pleased with Texas’s implementation of a ban on abortion after 6 weeks. I was also gratified that the United States Supreme Court sided with Texas with a 5 to 4 vote in refusal to block the law.

This is an indicator that Roe v. Wade could be reversed, sending the issue on abortion back to the states. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi pledged to return to Washington to codify Roe v. Wade, furthering how important it is to take back the House of Representatives in 2022.

Sadly, with one of the most left-wing governments in the nation, this will do little for us in New York, but I take solace in knowing that as we move forward this national tragedy will receive a solid push back with many states reportedly looking at the new law in Texas as the potential for their own.

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Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Gov. Kathy Hochul

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

August 24, 2021

“The New York State Conservative Party congratulates Gov. Kathy Hochul on her swearing-in today. We wish her well as New York’s 57th governor, even as we represent a sharply divergent political viewpoint.

“We were struck, however, by the Governor’s response to a reporter’s question this morning asking Mrs. Hochul to identify the thing she most hopes to accomplish in Albany. “I want people to believe in government again,” she said, as though she had nothing to do with the corrupt administration that lost the faith of New Yorkers.

“Not for nothing, as we say in Brooklyn, but Governor Hochul has been Andrew Cuomo’s chief lieutenant in Albany since 2015. To suggest that she is in no part responsible for that loss of faith is disingenuous in the extreme.

“Governor Hochul may have been better served by admitting her own culpability in the corruption that went on in Albany these past six years and asking New Yorkers for forgiveness. Or is that too much for us to expect?”


The Conservative Party organizations representing the five counties of the City of New York have endorsed the following candidates for this year’s citywide election contests: Bill Pepitone for Mayor, Tony Herbert for Public Advocate, and Paul Rodriguez for Comptroller.
“I am beyond humbled and honored to accept the endorsement of the five counties of the New York City Conservative Party,” said Bill Pepitone, candidate for Mayor. “The Conservative Party’s beliefs and values reflect how I was raised by my parents, and I will rely upon such to bring strength, stability and solidarity to every community within our great city.”
“It is truly my honor to have been given the support of the New York City Conservative Party, who my values and ideas of governance here in New York is aligned with strongly,” said Tony Herbert, candidate for Public Advocate. “I look forward to our longterm collaboration and helping to carry the positive message of what the party stands for and its interest in seeing a successful and thriving New York City!!!”
“Bill Pepitone, Tony Herbert, and Paul Rodriguez represent commonsense values that will bring NYC back,” said Kings County Chairwoman Frances T. Vella-Marrone. “Their platform of public safety and fiscal responsibility will serve the people of NYC well. Brooklyn as well as all of NYC will benefit from their leadership. I urge all New Yorkers to vote for this impressive slate of candidates on the Conservative Party line in November.”
“The team of Bill Pepitone, Paul Rodriguez, and Tony Herbert are exactly what NYC needs right now,” said Bronx County Chairman Patrick McManus. “In my opinion, combined they are the perfect balance of candidates to bring back law and order, community support and fiscal responsibility to OUR city. Please be sure to come out this November and vote row C, the best choice for ALL of NYC.”
“We are proud to announce three excellent citywide candidates, who, when elected, will bring New York City back to the pre-deBlasio excellent city that it was,” said New York County Chairman Stuart J. Avrick.
“Our Conservative candidates will give the people of New York City a clear cut choice of public safety, fiscal responsibility, and common sense policies,” said Queens County Chairman Thomas M. Long.
“These three individuals have impressive credentials that will nicely complement our assembled team of candidates for contests on Staten Island this year,” said Richmond County Chairman David Mario Curcio.
This year’s general election contests for Mayor, Public Advocate, and Comptroller are scheduled for Tuesday, November 2nd, with Conservative Party candidates appearing on Row “C” of the ballot.

Weekly Wrap-Up from Chair Jerry Kassar

Welcome to my Weekly Wrap-Up for May 23, 2019!


If you look up “Memorial Day” online, much of the information you’ll find is about sales, vacations, and cookouts. I don’t want to be a killjoy – Memorial Day does mark the unofficial start of summer for most Americans – but let’s not forget the true meaning of this important remembrance: It’s a time to honor those service members who sacrificed their lives defending our country. Today, this weekend, and throughout the year, my prayers go out to the families of the fallen and to military members who grieve for their lost brothers- and sisters-in-arms.

Let’s make our new Weekly Poll a time for reflection: Which word do you think BEST describes the men and women who serve our country in the Armed Forces? I look forward to your responses!


Nancy Pelosi accused President Trump of criminal behavior and is now shockedshocked! – that the President now views her and Chuck Schumer as hopelessly untrustworthy. The Pelosi/Schumer forces are playing by the old Washington rulebook, in which principles matter less than political theater; hence the accusation of a “cover-up” doesn’t include what, precisely, is being covered up. Good for Trump for not playing along.


More and more proof that illegal immigration and sanctuary policies threaten our country’s safety.

Meanwhile HUD Secretary Ben Carson is hounded by the left for putting Americans first.

New York City’s affordable housing con game.

Not all students benefit when billionaires pay off student loan debts.

Cauliflower is becoming politically incorrect.

Democrat who helped write health care laws we have now blasts health care laws we have now.

Have a nice weekend!