Category: Press Release

Statement From NYS Conservative Party 7/25/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
July 25, 2024

Statement on Washington Flag Burnings by Left-Wing Radicals fromNew York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“There’s a reason millions of Americans cheer when President Donald Trump says ‘fight, fight, fight!’ Patriotic Americans, like Rep. Brandon Williams who replaced three American flags Wednesday that had been burned by radical leftists in our nation’s capital, have had it with the despicable anti-American political violence coming from the Left.


We’ve been here before: 1960s and 1970s radicals held the nation hostage with political violence a generation ago. Those acts of violence included hundreds of bombings, bank robberies, and the assassination of police officers who symbolize public safety in America. These radicals are not people who believe in Democracy. They are hardened and often professional Socialists who will do anything in their arsenal to fundamentally change the nation in their image.

“Is it any wonder that 1970’s anti-American radicalism led to the unabashed patriotism of the Reagan Era?

“History is now repeating itself. Millions upon millions of Americans, including countless traditional Democrats, are rallying around President Trump’s call for a renewed American spirit. Make no mistake about it: we’re taking this country back. The anti-Americanism of today’s left-wing has struck a powerful nerve. The country is ready to move forward again.”




Statement From NYS Conservative Party 7/21/24 Biden Drops Out

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
July 21, 2024

Statement on President Biden Dropping Out by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“The charade foisted on the country by irresponsible Democrats has come to an end. President Joe Biden should have stepped aside long ago, but he’s finally done the right thing and we applaud him for that. We wish him well in his future endeavors.

“This nation is ready for fundamental change from the chaotic Biden years, and President Donald Trump is fully prepared to restore us to greatness. There is no one in the Democratic Party that can stop the momentum of reform that Republicans are leading.  Freedom is returning at long last.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 7/18/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
July 19, 2024

Statement on President Trump at Republican National Convention by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“After a boisterous three days at the Republican National Convention, you could hear a pin drop as President Donald Trump described the day last weekend that could have been his last. In all the years I’ve been attending conventions, I’ve never seen a candidate more adored by his supporters than Donald Trump was in Milwaukee. The love for him in the room was palpable.

“The Convention itself was masterful from start to finish. It layed out a clear, thoughtful, and positive vision for American renewal, while honoring its pledge to help unify the nation. The contrast between President Trump’s clear-eyed agenda for this country and President’s Biden shrinking presidency is stark, and voters of all backgrounds and ethnicities clearly see it. President Trump will Make America Great Again, and the New York State Conservative Party will do everything in its power over the next four months to help him achieve that victory. On to November!


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 7/17/24 Night Three

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
July 17, 2024

Statement on Night Three of Republican National Convention by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“In nearly 50 years in politics, I have never seen a Republican/Conservative movement more united than it is right now in Milwaukee. What we are witnessing is a genuine and welcome phenomenon. Ever Upward!”

“After Tuesday night’s electrifying speeches, including one by powerful New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, the New York State Conservative Party is thrilled that former New York Congressman and 2022 Republican-Conservative gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin will be speaking during primetime on night three of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Congressman Zeldin, a proud U.S. Army veteran who nearly unseated progressive Governor Kathy Hochul two years ago, is a national political figure — even out of office — and his primetime speaking spot well reflects that. We can’t think of a political leader with a brighter future, frankly.

“Congressman Zeldin will be speaking, of course, before the most exciting element of Wednesday evening: the designation of celebrated author, Marine Corps veteran, and U.S. Senator from Ohio J.D. Vance as the 2024 Republican candidate for Vice President.  We join millions from around the nation in eagerly anticipating Congressman Vance’s remarks.

“In nearly 50 years in politics, I have never seen a Republican/Conservative movement more united than it is right now in Milwaukee. What we are witnessing is a genuine and welcome phenomenon. Ever Upward!”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 7/16/24 Night Two of GOP Convention

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
July 16, 2024

Statement on Night Two of Republican National Convention by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar 

“The air is buzzing in Milwaukee as highly energized conservatives prepare to take a winning Republican message back to their districts around the nation. Tonight, we’ll hear from superstar congressional leader Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-C-NY) who will address today’s critically important theme: Make America Safe Again. Congresswoman Stefanik will no doubt cite the progressive public safety disaster that has befallen New York under one-party Democrat rule.

“That disarray, plus the crushing cost of living, puts New York squarely in play in November’s election, and, as it did for Ronald Reagan, the New York State Conservative will work tooth-and-nail to provide the critical margin of victory for President Trump in the Empire State. Stay tuned!”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 7/15/24 VP Pick

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
July 15, 2024

Statement on JD Vance as Trump Running Mate by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“President Trump has made a brilliant choice in selecting celebrated author, Marine Corps veteran, and U.S. Senator from Ohio J.D. Vance as his vice-presidential pick. Mr. Vance personifies the tens of millions of disaffected Americans, of all ethnicities and backgrounds, who could only watch as millions of well-paying manufacturing jobs vanished from our nation in recent decades. In selecting Mr. Vance as his vice presidential running mate, President Trump is sending an unmistakable message to the voting public: America comes first.

“The Conservative Party looks forward to campaigning with President Trump and Senator Vance throughout New York, a state now in play. It’s full steam ahead ‘til Election Day.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 7/13/24 Trump

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
July 13, 2024

Statement on Assassination Attempt on President Donald J. Trump by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar 

“The assassination attempt on President Trump is a shocking development and should serve as a national wakeup call against the hatred consuming our country. We are relieved to learn that President Trump is now safe, and encouraged by his iconic fist pump while leaving the Pennsylvania stage. We congratulate law enforcement on their quick action in taking down a shooter, and are fully confident that a meticulous investigation will take place. We express our deepest sympathies to other innocent parties reportedly shot at the event.

“The vitriol in this country must be toned down. This is not who we are as a nation.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 7/9/24 SAVE Act

Contact: Andrew Davis, 845-522-1915
July 9, 2024

Common Sense: Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE) by Chairman Gerard Kassar

The New York State Conservative Party is amazed that most Democrat members of Congress are opposed to the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which is expected to pass the Republican-led House of Representatives this week. The SAVE Act addresses the critical need to protect the integrity of our elections and ensure that only United States citizens are permitted to vote in federal elections. 

The SAVE Act addresses the disturbing trend of some municipalities allowing non-citizens to vote and sends a clear notice that this will not be tolerated. This trend raises significant concerns about the sanctity of our voter rolls and the integrity of our electoral process. The NYS Conservative party is proud that our ten member New York Congressional Delegation unanimously supports its passage. The SAVE Act takes decisive action to combat these concerns by requiring states to remove non-citizens from voter rolls whenever documentation or verified information is received indicating that a registrant is not a U.S. citizen. 

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has also highlighted a loophole in the National Voter Registration Act that does not require proof of citizenship during registration for federal elections. This loophole has led to instances of non-citizens being registered to vote with no repercussions. Federal law currently prohibits states from verifying citizenship status during registration for federal elections.

The President, Senate and House Democrats oppose the SAVE Act, citing this is another way to make it harder for people to vote; some democrats are even calling it a “non-issue”. Overwhelming, the majority of Americans consider election integrity as one of the major issues facing the American people. To no one’s surprise, President Biden has already signaled the possibility of a Presidential veto if it is sent to his desk. 

The SAVE Act is a common sense step to shore up election integrity, and to partially combat the Democrat caused immigration crisis. It is imperative that our elections remain free from interference and that every vote cast is legitimate and legal. The question is, why are Democrats, and the President unanimously opposed?

Statement From NYS Conservative Party 7/1/24 Presidential Immunity

Contact: Andrew Davis, 845-522-1915
July 1, 2024

Supreme Court Decision Affirms Presidential Immunity: Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“The New York State Conservative Party concurs with today’s 6-3 Supreme Court decision affirming a President’s absolute immunity for core constitutional acts, presumptive immunity for official acts, and no immunity for unofficial acts. This is a major victory for former President Donald Trump. This landmark decision reinforces constitutional protections inherent in the office of the President and ensures that the actions taken in the pursuit of executive duties are safeguarded against legal prosecution and without fear of politically motivated prosecutions.

“Chief Justice John Roberts’ majority opinion underscores a critical distinction: while no President is above the law, the execution of official presidential duties must not be hindered by legal challenges. This decision preserves the balance of powers envisioned by our Founding Fathers and protects the integrity of the Executive Branch. By recognizing absolute immunity and presumptive immunity for official acts, the Supreme Court has upheld a fundamental principle that goes beyond political affiliations and safeguards the office for future occupants.

“The New York State Conservative Party stands firmly behind President Trump and supports the Court’s ruling as a victory for constitutional governance. We commend the Supreme Court for its clarity and commitment to upholding the Constitution, and we reaffirm our unwavering support for President Trump this November.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 6/27/24 Debate

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 27, 2024

Presidential Debate Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“Tonight’s debate wasn’t even close. President Trump trounced President Biden before tens of millions of American voters. Biden’s performance was at times painful to watch. One couldn’t help wondering if the incumbent President can make it through the next four months, never mind the next four years.

“President Trump demonstrated a clear and energetic grasp of the issues and he presented a winning vision for the country moving forward. Biden’s strongest moment came in the form of a TV commercial. Trump won this debate hands down, and everyone knows it.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 6/20/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 20, 2024

Siena Poll Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“Today’s Siena College Research Institute poll reflects what New Yorkers already know: Governor Kathy Hochul is a failed governor and a change needs to be made at the White House. What’s happening in Albany and Washington is unacceptable.

“The Governor’s lowest-ever approval rating (38-49%) should come as no surprise. New Yorkers are exhausted by the cost of living in this state and by progressive policies that have triggered an ongoing crime and migrant crisis. Voters of all parties are coming to realize that the utopian promises of the political left are a cruel ruse, just like they’ve always been.

“It’s also no surprise, but notable nonetheless, that former President Donald Trump is in striking distance of winning New York. No Republican has won this state since Ronald Reagan in 1984, and the Conservative Party pledges to help deliver the state 40 years after that historic victory. The New York voting public is waking up to the reality of what Democrats are doing to this state and nation. The time for change is now.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 6/19/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 19, 2024

Statement on Appellate Court Prop One Decision by
New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“In New York State, there is no rule of law — that seems to be the attitude of today’s highly-politicized court system. Politics takes precedence over justice here.

“Last night’s Appellate Court ruling reinstating the controversial Prop One initiative to November’s ballot reeked of partisanship and was bereft of legal substance. In this land the law forgot, an appeal is expected but it’s probably pre-doomed.

“Prop One is a clear affront to individual rights, and the New York State Conservative Party will continue to fight it. This carelessly worded proposal would open up a legal can of worms the likes of which New York has never seen. It must be defeated at the ballot box by the New Yorkers it would affect.”
