Author: george

Weekly Wrap-Up

“Stop, Hillary. Just stop.” That’s the message from the New York Post after Hillary Clinton’s latest post-election analysis – Trump won, Hillary believes, because those who dared to oppose her are weak and bigoted. Well over one year later, Hillary is still obsessed with us deplorables.

How would you describe Hillary Clinton’s endless effort to blame her 2016 loss on “backwards” American voters? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Election-wise, this was not a good week for Republicans – but was it really a good week for Democrats, either? 

It’s not over, but the GOP can learn from this week’s race in Pennsylvania, and however it ends up the Democratic Party can hardly hope to replicate this campaign – not unless they want to elect a full slate of Representatives who claim to support the Second Amendment. 

Newt Gingrich warns that if the GOP doesn’t shift gears before the midterms, we’d better get used to the idea of once again having Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. 

How concerned are you about the possibility of a Democratic takeover of Congress this year? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

I see many potential pitfalls ahead for Republicans – from bailing out Obamacare and caving in to the overwrought gun control zealots to spending like Democrats. 

So how about one more question on this topic – what do you think is the BIGGEST mistake Republicans can make as the try to keep control of the U.S. House? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Finally this week, the conviction of Andrew Cuomo’s right-hand-man, Joseph Percoco, is yet another stain on Albany and the corrupt Cuomo Administration, and even after this bit of justice we’re left with more questions than answers – but don’t expect any answers from Cuomo. 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

The big news this week is that President Trump is planning to hold talks with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Here is what that says about the White House’s North Korean strategy.

As Fox News explains, “President Trump’s tough rhetoric has led Kim to conclude that the use of force by the U.S. really is on the table and that the Trump administration can’t be played for fools, like prior American administrations.”

Indeed, if it were President Obama or President Hillary Clinton leading these talks, I would be concerned. But for a variety of reasons, I think President Trump can make it work. What is it that makes you think President Trump can be trusted to lead these talks with North Korea? 

That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

(President Hillary Clinton – I’m so glad I only have to use those words hypothetically!)

Nationally, the Trump economy continues to boom, exceeding expectations for job growth

Seeing all this economic growth and freedom, the Democrats naturally want to raise taxes.

And it’s shocking how much of our tax dollars help fund abortion – $1.5 billion over just three years, according to a new report

How do you think this money could have been better spent? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Speaking of tax-and-spend liberals, it’s business-as-usual in Bill de Blasio’s New York City, and as Nicole Malliotakis points out hard-working taxpayers are shouldering the burden of the liberals’ tax-and-spend ways. 

The gun debate remained in the news this week, and it’s become clear that media elites and liberals don’t know and don’t care about the specifics of gun ownership – but as Barack Obama reminds us, the left doesn’t let facts get in the way of trying to abolish the Second Amendment. And of course, when liberals in our neighboring state Connecticut dismiss NRA supporters as terrorists, it’s clear that an honest debate isn’t really what the left is after.

What do you think is the worst lie or misinformation that liberals trot out in the gun debate? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

Are we at a turning point on guns? Don’t believe the hype… we’ve tried gun control before and it hasn’t worked, but the Democrats are going for broke and refusing to let this crisis go to waste.

Are you concerned that Congress will pass new gun control measures that undermine the Second Amendment? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

In the gun debate we’ve seen everything from bad ideas to terrible ideas to nonsensical ideas, and conservatives must admit that the President hasn’t helped the cause, though he seems to be walking back some of his more alarming rhetoric.

How important is it to you for President Trump to keep his campaign promises to protect the Second Amendment? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Dishonest, exploitative, insulting… the media’s coverage of the gun debate has been predictably dreadful. Which word do you think best sums it up? That’s the third question in our new Weekly Poll.

In other news, the economy continues to roar, and Americans everywhere are feeling the effects – but will a trade war sabotage all this progress?  

In case you missed it, the Conservative Party is rallying behind the candidacy of Chele Farley for U.S. Senate. She’s an impressive candidate – you can learn more about her here.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

There is one single person to blame for this week’s shooting in Florida – the shooter.  That simple fact has been left out of the mass media’s dishonest coverage that is driven by a gun control agenda and disinformation rather than any facts. 

Let us never forget the tales of heroism and quick thinking that saved lives – and let us never allow the left to bully us for praying, which is now unbelievably under attack.

Vice President Pence has fired back at the media’s religious bigots, and Rep. Steve Scalise and Sen. Marco Rubio are taking a principled stand against liberals trying to exploit tragedy.  I am thankful for their leadership. 

Overall, how would you describe the media’s coverage of gun control? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Unfortunately, the gun control issue is not the only example of media malpractice – far from it.  From journalists’ love affair with North Korea to the fake news of Russian collusion to cover-ups of government corruption and particularly Clinton, Inc. malfeasance, the media is falling down on the job. 

What do you think has been the most awful recent example of the news media bias and dishonesty? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Speaking of dishonesty, as well as recklessness, partisanship and politically ambitious – would you suspect I’m referencing Andrew Cuomo or Bill de Blasio? Both, it turns out – the Governor and the Mayor are on their worst behavior, and New York suffers as a result.  

I’ll make this the third and final question of our new Weekly Poll: Who is MORE dishonest, untrustworthy and politically calculating – Cuomo or de Blasio? 

As President’s Day nears, let’s remember some truly outstanding leaders like Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Reagan – and yes, let’s pray for more like them.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

There are two schools of thought about President Trump’s idea for a military parade – that it is long overdue, and that it’s unneeded. What do you think: Should there be a military parade to show America’s strength and power?  That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

There is little doubt that our military needs more funding – and there is plenty of federal spending that is not needed, from Planned Parenthood subsidies to foreign aid to hostile nations. What do you think is the FIRST federal spending item that should be cut to free up more money for America’s military might?

Unfortunately, government just keeps getting bigger and more expensive – that’s “bipartisanship,” in a nutshell. 

Nancy Pelosi’s “filibuster” stunt made the news this week. She is as hypocritical as ever when it comes to “the children,” and she’s just as out-of-touch as ever, too. Many saw the speech as helping Republicans – and some just found it plain boring

How would you describe Nancy Pelosi’s marathon speech on the House floor in defense of so-called “Dreamers” who want amnesty?  That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Other news items this week: It’s becoming clear that the Democrats’ FISA abuse could be worse than Watergate. After President Trump’s tax cuts, tax revenues are soaring. Marijuana legalization is a “gateway drug” to gun control. And guess what? Hillary is still bitter about losing the White House. 


Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump delivered a powerful State of the Union address this week that illustrated how his so-called “nationalism” is in fact a unifying force for all Americans who love their country – and a way forward for the GOP. 

You can read the President’s full speech here – I have pulled some of my favorite quotes for our first Weekly Poll question. Which do you think is most powerful? 

The speech was also packed with ideas – some that I agree with, and some that I don’t. Which do you think is his best proposal? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

More than anything, President Trump’s speech was from the heart, and it was the back-to-the-future Democrats’ worst nightmare. Whether they were being bitter, stone-faced or simply couldn’t be bothered, the liberals dug themselves into a hole as the President spoke. Makes you wonder about those predictions of a 2018 Democratic wave election.

What word do you think best describes the Democrats’ sullen reaction to President Trumps’ State of the Union address? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

As the economy booms and paychecks expand thanks to the Trump tax cuts, the Democrats are… threatening to repeal those very tax cuts, and dismissing workers’ hard-earned money as “crumbs.”  Our very own Andrew Cuomo is suing the federal government to protect New York’s high taxes. Talk about a #TaxScam

Meanwhile New York’s taxpayers have been fined $14 million thanks to Cuomo’s “I Heart NY” vanity project. And as usual, it’s full-spend-ahead for New York Mayor Bill de Blasio.   

I know the big story this week has been “the memo,” but if I try to post anything it will likely be obsolete before anyone gets a chance to read it. The New York Post does have an interesting look at where the scandal all began – you can read it here.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump delivered a rousing speech today at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, declaring that America is once again “open for business” and that “America First does not mean America alone.” 

You can read the full text here. For the first question in our new Weekly Poll, I’ve highlighted what I think are some of the most powerful quotes from the President’s speech – which one is your favorite? I hope you’ll vote today.

I’m sure Trump campaign guru Corey Lewandowski will have plenty to say about this at our 51st Annual CPPAC, which gets underway on Sunday. 

Meanwhile, an estimated 3 million Americans are receiving bonuses thanks to the Trump tax cuts, and it’s no wonder that tax relief is gaining in popularity. But Nancy Pelosi, who of course cherishes her own vast fortune, continues to dismiss an extra $1,000 for hardworking Americans as mere “crumbs.” Liberals like Chuck Schumer are joining in on this spin, even though the Democrats once heralded an Obama-Era tax cut that gave workers… an extra $40 in their paychecks. 

Hopefully some of our Wrap-Up readers are the recipients of these bonuses, but I think we all know the value of a dollar. My second Weekly Poll question for you is this: What would you do with an extra $1,000? I look forward to seeing the answers. 

Speaking of Obama double standards… this week we saw another example of the media’s protection racket surrounding our 44th president, as a 2005 photo of a smiling Barack Obama with the loathsome Louis Farrakhan was released by a journalist who says he kept the image hidden until now because it might have hurt Obama’s political rise.  

Something else that was kept secret – the admitted bribing of Mayor Bill de Blasio. The briber is busted, but will the “bribee” ever face justice?

Time and again, the elites all look out for each other, as we saw in Obama’s protection of Hillary Clinton and in the simmering FBI scandal. There’s no accountability and increasingly, no trust. “What a mess,” as the New York Post succinctly puts it.

Bad news this week for New York Democrats seeking to restore Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker – one of their top recruits has bowed out of a closely-watched House race, and may undermine the party even more by taking on Andrew Cuomo. 

Despite the media’s gloom-and-doom narrative for conservatives in the 2018 elections, the midterm outlook might be better than you think for the GOP – and it might even be a good year for the Republican Senate Majority. 

What’s your early take on the 2018 midterm elections – do you foresee a Pelosi victory, conservative gains or the status quo? Tell me what you’re thinking right now – that’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

And have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

One year into his administration, President Trump is the “Nobama,” methodically undoing the 44th president’s left-wing legacy. Elections do have consequences!

What word do you think best describes President Trump’s leadership in his first year in office? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

One of the masterminds behind President Trump’s 2016 victory, Corey Lewandowski, will be joining us for our 51st Annual Conservative Party Political Action Conference (CPPAC), which starts January 28. I hope you’ll sign up and join us! 

President Trump is busy establishing a legacy of his own, especially in the realm of economic growth. Apple, hardly a conservative-aligned corporation, is the latest company to expand thanks to the Trump-GOP tax cuts. 

Compare that to the Cuomo legacy here in New York – punishing tax hikes, uncontrolled spending and economic suffering being felt across the state.

And while Andrew Cuomo champions the left’s radical abortion agenda, another Trump legacy already in the making is the advancement of the pro-life cause. His administration is moving to protect the pro-life consciences of health care workers, and he will be the first sitting President to address the annual March for Life (the real “march for women”) via live video feed. Now if our culture would just catch up and accept the science of when life begins. 

Here’s a simple yet important question: Why are you pro-life? That’s the second item in our new Weekly Poll. 

Now for a bombshell of a story that could break wide open any minute now: Will Congress #releasethememo? A new surveillance report is being described as “worse than Watergate” and could send people to jail – and all of this is on top of the Democrats’ Russian dossier scandal that just gets more and more outrageous. 

Republicans believe the American people should know what really happened, and I agree. If the memo is released, whose behavior do you think will be revealed as the MOST shameful? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend! 

Weekly Wrap-Up

Another week, another liberal double-standard. Does the left have any standing to lecture anyone on vulgarity?

What’s really obscene is how the Democrats and their media friends assume every awful thing they hear about President Trump is true – even when it’s a poorly-sourced story that the President denies.

Lost in all this uproar is the fact that President Trump is actually trying to reduce health care costs, and he’s making sense about work requirements for Medicaid recipients.

In more silliness, this week we saw “Oprah 2020” ridiculousness come out of nowhere – her Golden Globes “me too” speech wasn’t even that great. Where does she stand? Does it matter? To me all the hoopla suggests that Democrats know they don’t have any compelling national leaders to guide the party into 2020 and that they lack any substantive ideas

For the first question in our new Weekly Poll, I’d like to know what you think is the biggest takeaway from the recent “Oprah for President” hysteria.

While everybody’s talking about Oprah and other such matters, let’s not allow Hillary to escape the limelight. There are Clinton scandals nobody is talking about, and ones that are getting more and more scrutiny. Here’s something for you to think about: How likely is it to you that Hillary Clinton will eventually serve jail time? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Finally, I was asked this week about marijuana legalization, and here is what I had to say. The Conservative Party opposes efforts to normalize pot, and I would like to know what you think –
what is the BEST reason to oppose marijuana legalization? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s a new year, but some things never change: global warming hysteria is still pervasive, the Democrats continue to become more radical, Albany is still rife with corruption and socialized health care still doesn’t work. 

Through it all, you can count on the Conservative Party to deliver good ideas and great speakers at our 51st Annual Conservative Party Political Action Conference (CPPAC), which we’re hosting this year on January 28-29. Here are the details – I hope to see you there!

No surprise here: Hillary Clinton is still crooked. Fortunately, the Trump Administration seems very determined to get to the bottom of all the Clinton Inc. corruption.

I think holding Hillary accountable would be a great New Year’s resolution for the Trump White House, but there are many other possibilities – from getting health care right and continuing to spark economic growth to defanging the United Nations, defunding Planned Parenthood and detecting voter fraud.

What do you think should be President Trump’s TOP New Year’s Resolution? That’s question #1 in our first Weekly Poll of 2018. 

Meanwhile the great American ideal of E Pluribus Unum – “Out of Many, One” – is being hijacked by Andrew Cuomo to push his left-wing agenda and his personal political ambitions

What do you think is the TRUE meaning of these words? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Cuomo is the focus of our third Weekly Poll question as well: We know he wants the White House, but what’s the MAIN reason you would never vote for Andrew Cuomo for President? 

I look forward to your responses and to sharing my weekly insights with you throughout 2018. Happy New Year, and have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump is closing out a good month that caps what has been a phenomenal first year of his administration – though this is something the media refuses to report. 

Here is a list of the Trump Administration’s many accomplishments for 2017 – what would you say is the President’s biggest success story this year? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

And as the President and conservatives in Congress offer the country a nice Christmas present in the form of tax relief, let’s think ahead a bit: What do you think is the best “gift” President Trump and Congress could give taxpayers in 2018? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll, and there are plenty of important issues for our elected officials to tackle.

With Nancy Pelosi leading the way, Democrats deserve a lump of coal for their unhinged response to the Trump tax cuts. Why are they so panicked? Rush Limbaugh has a theory that I agree with – basically, the left are terrified that tax cuts will actually strengthen the country.

In truth, nearly every household will receive a tax cut, and taxpayers will start seeing the benefits almost immediately. So when you see the media’s endless stories about how unpopular tax cuts are with the American people, remember these two words: Fake News.

Meanwhile the media’s silence is deafening when it comes to truly outrageous collusion between a U.S. president and a corrupt foreign entity – namely, President Obama’s pandering to Hezbollah to get his Iran deal passed. 

The United Nations’ behavior is scandalous as well, but fortunately America no longer takes this sort of hatred lying down.

Meanwhile Bill de Blasio is dreaming of a government takeover of the New York media; Hillary Clinton is seen as a Grinch by more and more Americans; visions of high taxes dance in Andrew Cuomo’s head this Christmas; all Kirsten Gillibrand wants for Christmas is to have her cake and eat it too; and oh what fun it is to watch Chuck Schumer beg for attention. 

Who do you think ranks highest on Santa’s “NOT NICE” list for 2017? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

We’ll see you again in the new year – until then, the Conservative Party wishes you and your family  a very Merry Christmas and many blessings for 2018.

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week the hunt for Trump/Russia connections continued to look more and more like a partisan witch hunt. It’s a sad day when Americans have to wonder if it was their FBI, not any foreign government, meddling in the country’s presidential election. 

It is hard to tell what’s the most alarming part of this saga – the incompetence, the corruption, or the FBI’s obvious pro-Clinton bias in 2016. Is it time to investigate the investigators? 

How would you describe your views on the FBI after this Trump investigation debacle? And how much have you lost trust in the FBI? Those are the first two questions in our new Weekly Poll. 

The Russia investigation is just one example of the left’s crusade against President Trump – here is another to remember for the liberals’ next batch of accusations against him.

This horrifying video foreshadows what’s to come in New York if “assisted suicide” is allowed to fully take hold. Do we really want Andrew Cuomo calculating how much each of us is worth?

As more signs point to a Trump economic recovery, will the GOP finally get tax relief over the finish line? Betsy McCaughey sees a lot to like but plenty of missed opportunities too. “The GOP tax bill gets an A for business tax reform,” she notes. “But it gets an ‘incomplete’ for failing to simplify the mind-numbing agony of filing taxes as an individual.”

This week the left had yet another meltdown – I’ve lost count of how many they’ve had since Tuesday, November 8 – this time over the end of so-called “Net Neutrality.” Here is what that means for the Internet (hint: It’s not the end of the world).

Speaking of our Weekly Poll, the Conservative Party had a scare this week when our online survey was suddenly out of commission for a while. The problem was resolved, but I wondered – who could have been responsible? Was the Alabama election Moore than we could handle? Was it the media’s favorite villain, Donald Trump?  Was Hillary trying to keep things quiet? Was our poll just not good enough for Marco Rubio?

I’ve rounded up the usual (and some unusual) suspects; vote on your favorite culprit in our third and final Weekly Poll question. Have fun with it – and have a great weekend!