Author: george



With this week’s string of Supreme Court victories for freedom, will the “never Trump” forces finally concede that we’re better off with a conservative in the White House? Probably not.

The Conservative Party stood with President Trump during the election, and he made his major New York appearance with us – and this week we saw how the dedication of conservatives everywhere makes a difference for the future of our country.  

What a week it was, thanks to the Supreme Court. Because President Trump, and NOT Hillary Clinton, named Antonin Scalia’s replacement, the high court:

And that’s in addition to recent rulings that will help stave off voter fraud, allow states to control their redistricting plans, and protect those who don’t want to actively participate in gay weddings. 

Of these recent rulings by the Supreme Court, which one do you think is the MOST important? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

And of course the biggest news in a week full of big news is that Justice Anthony Kennedy is retiring, opening up another Supreme Court vacancy for President Trump to fill.

Here are six rulings that could be overturned by a post-Kennedy Supreme Court. 

Here is a list of potential Supreme Court replacements, and here you’ll find a look at the early favorites. They’re very young – and that’s a good thing.

What do you think is the most important thing for President Trump to look for as he chooses the nominee? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

With this week’s string of Supreme Court victories for freedom, will the “never Trump” forces finally concede that we’re better off with a conservative in the White House? Probably not.

Egged on by the media, the left is increasingly unhinged and mired in incivility and Trump-hatred in the wake of the Supreme Court news.  It’s costing our nation – literally, and figuratively.

We saw evidence of the Democrat’s radicalization this week right here in New York, with the primary triumph of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The Democrats have turned socialist, and Kirsten Gillibrand is jumping on the bandwagon with her attacks against those who defend our borders. Will any of the Democrats be visiting Venezuela soon?

But freedom still reigns in America as we prepare to celebrate the Fourth of July. What are you MOST thankful for as we celebrate America’s independence? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

There’s been a lot of noise this week, and it’s covered up the fact that President Trump continues to gain popularity with the American people.

“President Trump can’t get a break from negative press coverage, but somehow his approval rating continues to edge upward,” Investors Business Daily notes. “In fact, it’s now tied with where the ‘extremely popular’ President Obama was at this point in his first term.”

Here’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll: Why do you think President Trump’s approval ratings have continued to increase? I have a few theories – maybe it’s because he actually gets results, or perhaps Americans support President Trump’s efforts to shake up Washington.

The “negative press coverage” this week has centered on the crisis at our borders, which President Trump is stuck with since Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama failed to act. 

In fact, much of the disturbing imagery coming of children-in-distress comes from the Obama Era – a fact the media liberals refuse to acknowledge. In fact, they’re actively covering it up, aided and abetted by liberal politicians including Nancy Pelosi (her hypocrisy is on display here) and Cynthia Nixon, who much like her leftist allies seeks to dehumanize hard-working border agents.

Which word do you think BEST describes the media’s coverage of illegal alien families?  That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

This is looking like a battle the media elites are going to lose – Americans have enough common sense to know who’s to blame for this situation. And as Chuck Schumer illustrated this week, Democrats don’t really care about these kids.

One of the most sickening aspects of the media/liberal’s exploitation of the border crisis? The constant comparisons to the Holocaust. If you have to be told that America today is nothing like Nazi Germany, you are most likely beyond hope.

This cheapening of our debate makes the loss this week of the great Charles Krauthammer even more profound. Tributes are pouring in, and for our third and final Weekly Poll question, I have compiled some interesting quotes from Mr. Krauthammer. Let me know which one is your favorite.

And have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

After one of the best jobs reports ever, the Trump tax cuts continue to make America’s economy great again.  Ironic, isn’t it, that many corporations that are celebrating the tax cuts with boosts in pay and benefits for workers, actually supported Hillary Clinton – who would never have given the economy such a massive jolt.

There was bad news this week, though, about Social Security and Medicare – both programs are facing fiscal catastrophes.  Washington’s answer for too long has been to do nothing, and Obamacare actually weakened Medicare. And now Bernie Sanders and the Democrats want “Medicare for All” that will put more burdens on the program.

Here’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll: What concerns you the MOST about Medicare and Social Security’s financial collapse? 

As Democrats go left and then even farther left, our conservative candidate Marc Molinaro is actually presenting sound ideas for New York. 

What do you think would be the BEST outcome of electing a conservative governor? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

Molinaro also understands that unlimited power helps entrenched pols like Andrew Cuomo take more and more control of our lives – so he’s pledging to limit himself to two terms if he’s elected governor and calling for term limits… two four-year terms for state offices including governor, and 12-year limits for state lawmakers.

Kudos to him for moving the term limits debate forward – and let’s keep it going with this third question in our new Weekly Poll: What is the main reason that you think term limits would be good for New York? 

Other news items I want to make sure you didn’t miss this week: 

  • Many are celebrating the Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of a baker who didn’t want to participate in a gay wedding, but some think the decision was correct but “half-baked.”
  • There seems to be no end to the Obama Administration’s efforts to help Iran – maybe this is the kind of collusion that should be investigated?  

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s been a week of celebrities, pseudo-celebrities and quasi-celebrities as “entertainers” staking out various parts of the political spectrum have made spectacles of themselves. (And be aware, some of the following links have disturbing language and images, because we’re dealing with disturbing people here.)

Somebody you’ve probably heard of, Roseanne Barr, who has cast herself as pro-Trump, said something vile (not surprising) and was immediately fired

Somebody you’ve probably never heard of, Samantha Bee, who apparently has a TV show and is beloved on the left, said something vile… and got an award

So let’s start with the first question in our new Weekly Poll: Overall, what do you think about celebrities becoming active in politics? 

In these specific cases of celebrity activism, both situations are repugnant, but many see a clear double standard at work since Roseanne was immediately punished and Samantha Bee wasn’t.  

What do you think – how big is the media’s double standard for liberals and conservatives? That’s the second Weekly Poll question I have for you.

I ask this question keeping in mind that many conservatives had grave doubts about Roseanne as a Trump standard-bearer from the very start, and their concerns seemed to have been well-founded.  At any rate, Rich Lowry explains how the Roseanne meltdown in reality says nothing about Trump’s America.

But liberals will believe anything and lie about everything when it comes to President Trump. 

Nevertheless, there’s been plenty to smile about this week (the economy lifting plenty of spirits), which is fitting – May 31 was actually National Smile Day. So let’s end with our third Weekly Poll question – what makes you smile right now when you think about politics? 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

“Animals” – that one word set off one of the most despicable, most deliberate instances of media bias perhaps in all of recent U.S. history. 

The media’s Trump hatred is so intense, journalists are casting aside ethics, twisting the President’s words and even showing sympathy to the violent MS-13 gang, with Nancy Pelosi putting the Democrats right alongside the biased media. Unbelievable – especially considering the atrocities MS-13 has committed. 

It’s hard not to agree with President Trump that the press “purposefully lied” about his comment. 

How would you describe this latest instance of the media’s fake-news reporting? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

This has been a bad week for the media, after journalists did Hamas’ dirty work by calling violent terrorists “protesters” – again, all part of an effort to undermine President Trump and his success.

That success this week was illustrated by the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem – a “controversial” step promised by numerous past presidents. President Trump made history by actually keeping the promise, and more countries are following America’s leadership (while Democrats are following the party line by ignoring any progress made by our President).

What do you think is the biggest takeaway from this development? Do you think it says more about Trump’s leadership, Israel’s importance, the Democrats’ partisanship or the media’s bias? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

With Gina Haspel’s confirmation this week as head of the CIA – the first woman to hold that position – we are reminded once again of the many powerful women who make the Trump Administration great. 

Melania Trump is putting her stamp on the role of First Lady. 

Nikki Haley keeps showing the world what a strong woman – and a strong America – looks like, as Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen works to keep the country safe.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos made history this week, right here in New York.

And the President has two extraordinary defenders in the media thanks to Kellyanne Conway and Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Out of all these extraordinary choices, which of the many accomplished women in the Trump Administration do you admire most?  That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Quick news you need to know from here in New York: There’s a fiscal crisis on the horizon if our state isn’t careful – and the rule of law is in jeopardy too.  As the New York Post asks, will every cop killer in New York now go free? 

Let’s hope not – and here’s hoping you have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

As Donald Trump continues to follow through on his campaign promises, can we all finally agree that he is doing a good job as President? 

Of course the liberals refuse to give him any credit, but this may have been his best week ever

The Trump Administration’s foreign policy accomplishments alone are extraordinary – from winning the release of Americans held hostage in North Korea to setting the stage for peace talks between North and South Korea to capturing the top five ISIS officials to ending the Iran deal (and making a fool of The New York Times in the process).

What do you think is the Trump Administration’s greatest foreign policy accomplishment from the past week? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

And now for the polar opposite of greatness – liberal hero Eric Schneiderman, whose sleaziness and hypocrisy were exposed this week (a turn of events President Trump seemed to predict).

What did Andrew Cuomo know, and when did he know it? Of course he’s pleading ignorance, but how likely is it to you that Andrew Cuomo had heard about allegations of Eric Schneiderman’s disgusting behavior? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll. 

There’s no question that the culture of corruption is alive and well in Albany – and that the national media will for the most part ignore this scandal so as not to tarnish the Democrats. Plus, the liberal elites’ “Me Too” movement looks more like politics than principle. 

What do you think is the most important takeaway from the Schneiderman scandal? That’s the third and final question for our new Weekly Poll. 

Have a great weekend! And to all our readers who are moms, Happy Mother’s Day!

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s history in the making, but the media has never given President Trump any credit for his Administration’s work on the Korean situation, and they are not about to start now. 

Let’s get right to the first question in our new Weekly Poll: What do you think is the MAIN reason that media elites aren’t reporting more about the possibility of peace between South Korea and North Korea? 

We’re seeing a similar situation with the latest revelations about the Obama Administration’s sham Iran deal – the liberal “echo chamber” says it’s no big deal, but Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s revelations this week could bring the whole ordeal to a well-deserved end.

We have a good-news job report to end the week, with unemployment at a 17-year low and black and Hispanic unemployment rates at record lows – and of course, the left thinks Obama deserves all the credit. Young voters, though, seem to be getting the real story. 

Last week I talked about the left’s idea for “guaranteed jobs,” and this week you might have heard about new polling showing that almost half of Americans support such an idea.  It’s wise to be very skeptical of those poll numbers. 

This week, thanks to Hillary Clinton herself, we discovered yet another reason why Hillary lost: Capitalism. As you’ll recall, Hillary is a big believer in free markets when it comes to her speaking fees.

She’s still got a tough race ahead of her, but Cynthia Nixon is gaining ground on Andrew Cuomo, and she’s gaining endorsements from left-wing groups. Is this Cuomo’s last act?

What do you think is driving Ms. Nixon’s upswing in the polls? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

After having little choice but to sign the latest bloated budget passed by Congress, President Trump is expected to soon propose $11 billion in spending cuts, under a budget tool known as “rescission.” 

The swamp has been busy protecting its own, but there are plenty of great ideas for how spending can be cut. Where in the federal budget would you MOST like to see reductions? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.  

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

Just in time for campaign season, Andrew Cuomo is attacking one of the left’s most hated targets – immigration law enforcement.  Fortunately ICE isn’t taking these attacks lying down.

When Cuomo accuses others of bullying and intimidation, the hypocrisy is breathtaking.

How much do you think Gov. Cuomo’s attacks on ICE and immigration law enforcement are motivated by politics? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

The Governor isn’t the only liberal who gets a kick out of berating law enforcement.

As Cuomo tries to keep illegal residents here, citizens for some time have been leaving our state for more tax-friendly spots at an alarming rate, and the problem is poised to get even worse under our current tax system.

Will President Trump get the Nobel Prize? Barack Obama received one for accomplishing much less than this – an historic thawing of relations between North and South Korea. Even some on the left think the idea is no joke.

What do you think are the chances of President Trump winning the Nobel Peace Prize? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

The economy continues with strong growth, but for Democrats it’s all gloom-and-doom – and they think government work is the answer to the virtually nonexistent problem they’ve concocted.

Like Cuomo’s attacks on law enforcement, this move also reeks of politics because, as Cal Thomas points out, “it taps into a growing feeling, particularly among many young Americans, for whom feelings, not results, are ultimately what liberalism relies on.”

What do you think would be most detrimental about the Bernie Sanders Democrats’ “government jobs for all” plan? That’s the final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

Former FBI Director James Comey is in the news this week – and that, my friends, might go down as the understatement of the year. 

He’s cashing in with a new book tour, or “therapy tour” as conservative Rep. Claudia Tenney adroitly describes it, that has involved seemingly endless media appearances, which have not gone particularly well for him – and his book isn’t doing Comey any favors either. 

Comey is being described as everything from a “pathological liar” to “Bozo the Clown” who has written a “catty, gossipy” book, and his pro-Hillary bias is increasingly clear (as is the role CNN has played in trumping up accusations against our President).
More of Comey’s writings are in the news now with the release of his memos from meetings with President Trump – again, not all that flattering. Comey particularly enjoys pointing out how much people like him. 

What do you find most distasteful about James Comey? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

With the FBI’s Andrew McCabe potentially facing criminal charges, this story is far from over – but what certainly needs to end is the left’s politicization of the FBI.

The time is now to confirm Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State – but Democrats are almost completely united in their opposition (with the exception of at least one red-state senator who is undoubtedly watching the polls). But of course Democrats don’t have any ideas for moving forward – they just hate President Trump, and they don’t want his foreign policy to succeed. 

What do you think is the biggest takeaway from the Democrats’ opposition to Mike Pompeo? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

This week Andrew Cuomo claimed he’s “undocumented” in order to out-left Cynthia Nixon (and also created a new voting bloc for himself), while Chuck Schumer is claiming to be some sort of principled federalist as a way to legalize marijuana. On issues like guns, education, or environmental policy, though, look for Schumer’s belief in states’ rights to go up in smoke. 

Finally, the world lost an extraordinary woman this week, as former First Lady and First Mom Barbara Bush passed away. She was one of a kind, and kind, by all accounts.  How will you remember here? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump wants to reform welfare programs so that they lift people out of poverty, and there are many steps that can be taken to revolutionize public assistance. The President’s call for work requirements has predictably outraged the left, but it sounds like a good idea to me. 

What do you think is the best reason for emphasizing work in welfare programs? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

You can’t make this stuff up: London is imposing knife control in a new crime-fighting effort, which I’m sure will be as successful as gun control. The Babylon Bee has some fun with the situation with a “handy” idea.

More Mueller in the news this week, of course – I agree with Rich Lowry that this should be the end of the special counsel racket.  Rush Limbaugh has a strategy for shutting down the whole witch hunt.

Censorship is alive and well and living in social media, and Sen. Ted Cruz masterfully highlighted this epidemic in this week’s Facebook hearings in Congress. Everything from pro-life to pro-Trump opinions are being targeted (not to mention social media outlets went to great lengths to help reelect President Obama – the hypocrisy here is astounding).

How concerned are you that Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other online titans are silencing conservative ideas? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

With Paul Ryan’s impending departure, there is only one way forward for Republicans – fighting for bedrock, conservative principles – or, as Rep. Jim Jordan puts it to his fellow GOP legislators, “Let’s just do what we said we would do.” The success of the Trump tax cuts proves that’s a sensible way forward. 

This raises the question, of course – what do you believe is the most important conservative principle? I’ll make that the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

There’s a ridiculous snit erupting over plans for a citizenship question on the upcoming Census. President Trump is for it, so of course Nancy Pelosi and the liberals are against it – guilty, once again, of ignorant fearmongering – and naturally a frivolous lawsuit has been filed. 

Tucker Carlson is on hand to school the left, as is Michelle Malkin.

There are plenty of good reasons for asking about citizenship in the Census – which do you think is the best? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Speaking of Tucker Carlson, we’ve been highlighting his “Men in America” series for the past several weeks, and last night was the final chapter. You can watch it here.

Is Andrew Cuomo in for the fight of his life thanks to Cynthia Nixon? Kudos to her for taking on “Andrew the Bully,” but it’s going to cost taxpayers. And once again, the liberals’ hypocrisy is showing. 

What do you think is the most interesting aspect of Ms. Nixon’s gubernatorial campaign? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

The revival of the sitcom “Roseanne” earned huge ratings, and is seen by as progress by Rush Limbaugh and as a wake-up call for Hollywood – though Ben Shapiro is not convinced (and some of the shows stars are parroting liberal talking points). At any rate, why is a show enjoyed by conservatives automatically portrayed as a new battle in the culture war

Whether you’ve watched “Roseanne” or not, it’s clear that there’s a divide between America and Hollywood. What do you think is the biggest problem with America’s entertainment culture right now? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

As this week draws to a close, let us not forget the true meaning of Good Friday and the powerful message of Easter.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Weekly Wrap-Up

Republicans still don’t “get” President Trump, and in many ways this week’s massive “only-in-Washington” spending bill is the latest example. It’s a “bipartisan” affair, meaning both parties are spending like there’s no tomorrow. 

By the time you read this we’ll probably know whether or not the President was serious about vetoing the bill, but there’s no question that the legislation is loaded with wasteful spending and broken promises (and what’s not in the bill is equally exasperating).  And I hate to see the military being used as cover for all this excess spending.

What frustrates you the MOST about the newly-passed GOP spending bill? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

More shakeups at the White House, as John Bolton will take over as the new National Security Advisor. This is being seen as a win for America, and a loss for Iran and Russia, and for White House leakers.

Bolton says the White House leaks are “completely unacceptable,” and the most recent, involving President Trump’s briefing papers for a phone call with Vladimir Putin, is being described by the White House as “fireable,” and rightly so. 

What do you think is the worst thing about the leaks coming from the White House? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

With a manufactured march for gun control this weekend, here are some of the most common gun control arguments debunked. Which of the gun-grabbers’ talking points do you find most ridiculous? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Here in New York, Andrew Cuomo never fails to find opportunities to raise taxes

Is the Governor in for an unexpected fight from the celebrity left? 

More fake news exposed: President Trump did NOT scare off tourists from New York. 

And in Albany, we could use a little sunlight to fight Cuomo Era corruption.

Have a great weekend!