Conservative Party News

Daily Update

The Daily Signal's Bruce Klingner explains why Obama is wrong to focus on Hiroshima.  This is an excellent article and

Daily Update

President Obama is going to visit Hiroshima next month where he will most likely continue his assault on American exceptionalism. 

Daily Update

Heather McDonald writes in her new book what the war on cops does to America's poor.  It is noteworthy that

Weekly Wrap-Up

The Washington Free Beacon puts it bluntly: Ben Rhodes is a liar. You might not recognize the name, but you

Daily Update

Hillary's bad news day was more than just losing the Indiana primary, it also included the fact that her server

Daily Update

Michael Goodwin has another excellent column in today's NY Post -- part of which endorses our call for term limits

Daily Update

Mayor de Blasio is becoming Mayor Denial.  But when not on the radio, it looks as if he is preparing

Daily Update

The NY Post editorial called the Mayor's budget Pinocchio budgeting.This blog is not very supportive of President Obama, but when