Statement from NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
Aug. 7, 2023

New York’s Migrant Crisis Is a Self-Inflicted Disaster – New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“We did it to ourselves. I stand corrected, they did it to us — they being Democratic politicians and left-wing activists who think the word asylum means open borders and who view national sovereignty as an old-fashioned concept.

The catastrophic migrant crisis on the border, in the states, and now in New York City is dangerous and intolerable, and still the American left refuses to act.

What are they thinking?!

Fault lies directly with President Joe Biden, New York City Hall and the Governor’s office. Biden doesn’t want anything or anyone standing in the way of his open borders policy, especially not county and local leaders who see what’s happening clearly.

Mayor Adams and New York City Council prepped the ground for this disaster by declaring New York a sanctuary city years ago, and Governor Hochul manages New York as if it was a sanctuary state. Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand have been less than useless. They have consistently made a terrible situation worse.

The results are everywhere — in our parks, shelters, motels, armories, churches, community centers, even at our ship terminals, as the migrants continue to flow in. And how about the historic Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan. Have you seen what’s going on there? It’s unimaginable.

When I say the fault for New York’s crisis lies at the feet of Democrats and woke activists I mean it. Can you name a single Republican or Conservative in this state who supported sanctuary status? I can’t.

Indeed, the lines between Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives couldn’t be clearer on border security, sanctuary status, and undocumented aliens.

Democrats support what’s going on, crying only for more federal dollars, as always. Republicans and Conservatives want asylum decisions made on the other side of the border. Call us crazy…

The American Left, led by President Biden, stood on the tracks waving a welcome flag as this freight train approached. Anyone with clear eyesight could see what was coming. But not Biden, Hochul, Schumer, Gillibrand, Adams and the Democratic City Council. They rolled out a red carpet and here’s where we are.

Another avoidable crisis inflicted on us by the Democratic Party at every level.
