Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Removal of Jefferson Statue at New York City Hall

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Removal of Jefferson Statue at New York City Hall

October 18, 2021

“Mayor de Blasio and the New York City Council want to drag from City Hall a statue of one of America’s most celebrated presidents and founding fathers that has stood in its chambers for almost a century and a quarter. If that doesn’t tell you the state of this city, nothing will.

“As crime skyrockets, potholes deepen, and public confidence in city government plummets, erasing history was their priority today.

“The genius of our founders lay in their understanding of human fallibility. The nation they envisioned was fixed upon ideals rather than individuals exactly for this reason. We celebrate Jefferson not because he was perfect — no man or woman is — but because he blazed a path for human dignity and freedom that we aspire to achieve every day.

“This is a shameful day for New York City. Its leaders have abandoned all perspective other than their own. It is the stuff of tyrants.”


One thought on “Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Removal of Jefferson Statue at New York City Hall

  1. […] de Blasio and the New York City Council want to drag from City Hall a statue of one of America’s most celebrated presidents and founding fathers that has stood in […]

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