Zeldin Launches PAC

Former Congressman and Gubernatorial candidate wasted little time in getting back into the arena to fight for Republicans all over the country.
Zeldin announced the Leadership America Needs Political Action Committee on Wednesday that will aim to help candidates appeal to first time Republican voters, much like the voters who turned out for him in huge numbers this past November.
“We’re gonna be doing a bunch of different things that we’ll be announcing in due course, but from a political standpoint, I’m staying active,” Zeldin said to Politico. “I believe that at some point in the future, there will be re-entry into government. I don’t know exactly when or what, but in the meantime, we’ll stay heavily engaged in trying to continue our involvement for the 2024 cycle.”
The PAC announcement comes at the right time as the 2024 election season seems to be heating up fast.
I want to congratulate Lee and thank him for staying involved in the fight. He has been a tremendous leader and asset to both the Republican and Conservative Parties. With his help, I expect many victories in 2024 not only in New York, but around the country.

Nominating Petitions

Conservative Party organizations throughout the state have either nominated, or will soon nominate, their slate of candidates for local offices. County Executives, other countywide officials, County Legislators, Town Supervisors, Town Council Members, and other local positions are up for election in most counties.In a few counties, the party will be reorganizing. There is much to do. Before our organizations or the State Party can issue authorizations (Wilson-Pakulas) our activists and candidates must obtain a minimum of 5% of the enrolled Conservative Party members signatures on the nominating petition.If you are an enrolled member of the Conservative Party, please sign the nominating petition of your local party candidate when a member of the Conservative Party knocks on your door.  If you would like to sign but are not sure who to contact, please call the Conservative Party Headquarters at 718-921-2158 and we will point you in the right direction.

Follow us on All Social Media

The Party remains very active all year round. The best way to keep up with us on a daily basis is through our website cpnys.orgYouTube, or social media:  facebooktwitter and Instagram.
In fact, our highly successful Conservative Party Political Action Conference appears on YouTube which can be found at our website or through the YouTube link above. The conference had many great speakers including Gordon Chang, the noted author on Communist China, Brandon Judd, President of the National Border Patrol Council, a panel of newly elected Congressmembers, speakers on Charter Schools and children’s rights, just to name a few.