Is Senator Schumer a G.O.A.T. or a goat?

Schumer vows Senate rules change vote by Jan. 17 if GOP blocks voting rights.  Schumer is drumming up support by telling left-wing media: ‘New’ Republican Party Under Trump ‘Viciously Against Voting Rights’.  This is from The Hill:  Schumer ramps up filibuster fight ahead of Jan. 6 anniversary.

And Senator Schumer isn’t the only one:  Biden Wants to, in His Words, ‘Eviscerate the Senate’

However, there is a glimmer of hope:  Chuck Schumer Plan to Obliterate the Filibuster Faces Two Big Obstacles.

Rich Lowry writes in the NY Post: “The latest pitch for the Democratic voting agenda is more cynical and detached from reality than ever. We are to believe that the only way to counteract the furies unleashed on Jan. 6 is by imposing same-day voter registration and no-excuse mail voting on the states, ending partisan gerrymandering and requiring the counting of ballots that arrive up to seven days after Election Day, among other provisions completely irrelevant to events that day or afterward.”   Read the rest of the article here:  Dems would discredit democracy by using Capitol riot to nationalize elections.

Tyranny of the mainstream media thought police.

China’s Hostile South Pacific Takeover.

For China, Amazon Supports Democracy Dying in Darkness.

Left Doesn’t Just Want to Censor You on Social Media. It Also Wants to Close Your Bank Accounts.

Catholic University Celebrates Painting of George Floyd as Jesus Christ, Releases Report on Racism.

Victor Davis Hanson writes about The Ungracious Generation and Its Demonization of the Past.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required):  The Warren-Biden Bank Heist/A coup at the FDIC breaks norms and signals more political control of finance.

Rep. Jason Smith writes in the Washington Times: Congress should not let the IRS play both tax collector and preparer.

Jeff Minick: Sickening Truths and Consequences of Government COVID Policies.

SCOTUS Should Nix Biden’s Vaccine Mandates.

Omicron’s Silver Lining.

Do you wonder why Gov. Hochul supports prioritizing non-White people in the distribution of COVID-19 treatments in short supply?  You answer may be in the following article:  White Coats for Black Queer Abolitionist Socialism/A national organization of medical students successfully pressures their schools to embrace radical identity politics.

Terris Todd writes:  Black American Triumphs Outweigh Our Tragedies.

In a surprise proposal by Governor Hochul Proposes Term Limits, Outside Income Ban for Statewide Elected Officials.  It is a good first step, providing it is passed by the Members.  However, if, she being serious about having people “believe in their government again.” the request should also include the members of the State Legislature.

This is not the first, nor will it be the last, person who is not prosecuted due to a technicality.  District attorney expected to drop groping case against Cuomo.  Remember this:  a leopard doesn’t change its spots.