Should we expect people to respect laws when our elected leaders ignore them?

These are your tax dollars! Pair of NYCHA Plumbers Paid $200,000+ in OT Last Year.

Reject Racial Hysteria/New York’s new U.S. Attorney should ignore the paranoid politics of elites and focus on prosecuting violent crime.

Rich Lowry opines that Woke Racialism Is a Clear and Present Danger to the American System.

Another major mistake by the Biden Administration:  Biden to release 50M barrels of oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve amid gas price spike.  The Biden Administration is incapable of making long term decisions that will prevent long term problems.

I admit, not a big fan of Bill Mahar’s politics (or language), however, one must give him credit for trying to enlighten his fans. (Fortunately, for America, Biden seeks to revive workplace vaccine mandate many in his audience already agreed with what he had to say.)  ‘Nobody Likes A Snob’: Bill Maher Picks Apart The Modern Democratic Party And Gets Brutally Honest With AOC . Then watch how ‘The Five’ break down Bill Maher’s common sense argument to Democrats.

Be prepared when your college age student comes home for Thanksgiving; they may have been exposed to this on campus:  Leftist Thanksgiving event asked students ‘what America should do in place of this celebration’.

Pete Hoekstra writes in Gatestone Institute: Peng Shuai Only the Latest Reason to Move Olympics, Hold China Accountable.

Chinese Leader Xi Defends Beijing’s Actions in South China Sea Amid Heightened Regional Aggression

Where are the JFKs of the Democratic Party, oh that’s right the AOC’s abolished them? Space Force general: ‘We’re not as advanced as the Chinese or the Russians’ with hypersonic missiles.

And people wonder why others do not obey the law? Biden seeks to revive workplace vaccine mandate.

New York City Council Moves to Allow 800,000 Non-Citizens to Vote in Municipal Elections. The right to vote is guaranteed by our US Constitution in the 15th Amendment. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude– so please explain this to me:  the New York City Council will vote on December 9 on a law to allow green-card holders and residents with work permits to vote in municipal elections. Members of the NYC Council who take the following oath “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am duly qualified, according to the constitution of this state, to exercise the duties of the office to which I have been elected and that I will, to the best of my ability, discharge the duties thereof, and preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of this state and of the United StatesHow do the NYC Council Members justify the fact that they will grant non-citizens the right to vote when the US Constitution grants citizens – not green-card holders and residents with work permits — the right to vote? The leader of the free world ignores laws he doesn’t like; the duly elected members of the NYC Council, want to grant non-citizens the right to vote, progressive DA’s know their low or no cash bail will lead to “going to go out and kill somebody” and people wonder why stores are looted, gang violence is rampart while the suicide rate and drug abuse is ever increasing?  When our leaders choose to ignore (or do not have) a moral compass, the result is the turmoil America is undergoing now. It is up to us to end this mayhem and save our country before America self-implodes.

What Gibbon Got Wrong in ‘The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’