The Emperor of New York just cannot help himself…

Governor Andrew Cuomo has been all over the media saying the criticism he has been under regarding his handling the nursing home crisis in New York State is political.   Pro-Publica is not a right-leaning publication, and Salon actually leans to the left, yet Pro-Publica first wrote this on June 16, 2020 and reprinted it on June 20, 2020.  On May 12, 2020 the NY Post ran this article that notes long-time democratic chairman of the NYS Assembly Health Committee, Richard Gottfried, was leading the call for an investigation into the nursing home crisis.  Governor Cuomo, who during his pressers on COVID-19 stressed he wasn’t the least bit political, says the criticism of him is all political, yet here are only 3 articles, again hardly conservative or republican, that call him to task.  What say you now, Governor?

Governor, have you not studied Shakespeare’s Hamlet?  Obviously, you do not remember Queen Gertrude’s line “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”.  Gov. Cuomo blames sick nursing home staffers for infecting residents.

We know the answer to this, don’t we.  Will Andrew Cuomo Take Responsibility?  (Only if his political life depends on it, but Emperor Cuomo hasn’t realized that his political life does depend on it…and it is over!)

The Democrats are really doing all they can to undermine the upcoming November elections.  I will acknowledge that playing the “game” of politics is a very rough sport, certainly not for the fainthearted.  But, lately, the lies and false accusations are bordering on the line of libel.  Governor Andrew Cuomo has steadfastly noted he does not want to run for President (in 2020) but this interview paints a very different picture.  The man is poisoning the jury pool by repeating the mantra that President Trump will not leave the White House if elected.  Time to, not only drain the swamp, it must also be disinfected.

Schumer shows that politics trumps what is right in his world:  Schumer signals that Democrats will block GOP police reform bill.

Is anyone surprised by her spending?  Ocasio-Cortez has spent more campaign money this cycle than any other Democrat up for re-election.

Statue Toppling Is Bringing Mob Rule to America.

E. J. McMahon paints a bleak picture: New York’s Personal Income Pulse Weakened in First Quarter of 2020.

File this under “much too little, much  too late” Seattle will move to dismantle ‘CHOP’ zone after shootings, mayor says.

A Brief History of Antifa: Part II.

Sebastian Gorka opines on Who Can Save Us Now?

Rich Lowry opines in today’s NY Post that while they’re aiming at Jefferson, the real target is America.

Thank you, Mr. President:  Trump authorizes feds to arrest people vandalizing, taking down monuments.  It is distressing to the citizens who live in New York that New York’s political leaders do not have your courage to stand up to the myriad of problems we are facing.  NYC shootings continue to surge — and cops warn it may be the new normal.

Somebody call 911; Joe Biden needs a body cast.