State Conservative Party Chairman Michael R. Long Blasts Governor Andrew Cuomo for Picking and Choosing Which Catholic Tenets He Will Abide By

Brooklyn, NY – Pope Francis has a new ally in Governor Andrew
Cuomo who announced yesterday his solidarity with the Pope’s
decree that the death penalty is “inadmissible” under all
circumstances and that the Catholic Church must work to abolish
it, changing official church teaching to reflect his view that all life is
sacred and there is no justification for state-sponsored executions.

Governor Andrew Cuomo jumped on board immediately and said
“the death penalty is an ugly stain on our history, is morally
indefensible and has no place in the 21st century,” and that he will
be advancing legislation to remove the death penalty – standing
with Pope Francis and honoring his father. He then invoked his
father’s “principled stand” on staking his (Mario’s) political career
on his opposition to the death penalty and never backed down,
saying it ‘demeans those who strive to preserve human life and

Governor Andrew Cuomo, your comments on the death penalty
would be considered sincere – not a political statement – if you
stood with Pope Francis when he denounces abortion.

If you, like your father, truly strive to preserve human life and
dignity, you would take every means possible to protect the
innocent life of an unborn child. Anything less is empty words
uttered for political expedienc

/ In Press Release / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on State Conservative Party Chairman Michael R. Long Blasts Governor Andrew Cuomo for Picking and Choosing Which Catholic Tenets He Will Abide By