Governor Andrew Cuomo, who has national political ambitions, would be more likely to be successful if he understood the economic logic of democrat turned republican Governor of Missouri Eric Greitens decision to change the minimum wage. Gov. Greitens is allowing a republican passed bill to roll back the minimum wage from$10 an hour to $7.70. His reasoning is simple, “Politicians in St. Louis passed a bill that fails on both counts: it will kill jobs, and despite what you hear from liberals, it will take money out of people’s pockets.”
Progressive Oregonjust voted to expand the killing of unborn children (patients would have access to the procedure for virtually any reason, at any time, including sex-selective and late-term abortions) and is using $500,000 of taxpayers pay for this abuse of power in taking the lives of innocent babies.
As states try to balance their budgets, welfare reform is becoming an issue again, and the left is not happy. With the good news on the jobs front, finding a job should be easier now.
The New York Times ran an article, A Constitutional Convention for New York? This May Be the Year, yesterday and actually laid out the pros and cons. As you know, the Conservative Party is opposed to the Constitutional Convention. Those who support it believe they will be able to add progressive issues currently held back by right thinking legislators. As noted in the article, the last time a Con-Con was held and adopted was in 1938 when the constitution was changed to add a safety net for the poor and a bill of rights for labor, each of which has cost untold billions of taxpayers hard earned money. Let us know your best reason for not holding a constitutional convention in this week’s poll question.
If anyone had any doubt before, this narcissistic action by Mayor de Blasio, should be the last straw for those who still support his quest to be re-elected. Even he knows jetting off to Germany to protest is an ill-conceived idea, why else would he keep his trip under wraps until just 90 minutes before takeoff? The NY Daily News editorial questioned his priorities also. Why do you think he jetted off to Germany? Let us know in our second question in this week’s poll.
Our candidate, Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis, when learning that Mayor de Blasio is fundraising off her photo with President Trump, reminded him, that this election is not about Donald J. Trump, it is about the quality of life in New York City. This is a result of the poor management skills of Mayor de Blasio.
Charles Krauthammer had this to say about President Trump’s speech in Poland “It was the most anti-Russian speech since Ronald Reagan.” If you didn’t have a chance to watch his speech, you can view it here. Michael Barone also has high praise for the President’s remarks, noting his rebuke of Germany’s welcoming 1 million unvetted “refugees.”
President Trump makes it clear, he does not apologize for his love of America, and that is quite refreshing after 8 years of a president who did nothing but apologize for America’s greatness. What do you think of President Trump’s European visit so far? Let us know in this week’s last poll question.
Enjoy the weekend.