Daily Update

Most of today’s headlines about Donald J. Trump are about the shake-up in his campaign, but if you look a little deeper – or go to Mr. Trump’s campaign page — you will be see what is being said about his speech last night in West Bend, Wisconsin.  Quite a few rave reviews — Focused, Powerful and Disciplined!   Read it for yourself here.

How does a person who wants to be President of our United States — who if they win will swear on a Bible that they will uphold the United States Constitution — have an illegal immigrant with ties to George Soros tappedfor a new effort to register Latino voters?  If you elevate an illegal immigrant to such an important position, how do you respect, honor and uphold our US Constitution. Through the years, progressive judges have given illegal immigrants more stature, under an administration that taps an illegal immigrant to help their cause, rest assured, immigrants will flood the United States and be granted all the rights of citizenship. 

Another major insurer abandons most Obamacare exchanges.   Betsy McCaughey opines on the looming problems in Obamacare.  In NY State, here is one reason health care costs are out of control. Bill Hammond, and expert on health insurance, writes in the NY Torch, how NY undercuts private-sector plans.

Ben Shapiro opines on what riots are good.for

US Senate candidate Wendy Long in Rochester, NY.  Here is Wendy Long’s latest press release on Sen. Schumer and Preet Baharara.

Governor Cuomo’s administration faulted for mismanagement of federal funds.

The NY Post editorial asks’ the question:  Will New Yorker’s ever be free of endless government rules and sky-high taxes? 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.