Daily Update

A three-judge panel of the 2d US Circuit Court of Appeals sent a clear message to corrupt politicians with this ruling.

Will Breddermann has an article in the Observer on how Governor Andrew Cuomo thinks there is “no right or wrong” when it comes to economic development in NYS, just opinions.  When reading the article it became apparent to me that Andrew is emulating Mario more and more each time he speaks to the press.

The Empire Center reminds us that Upstate job gains stay near nil, despite Gov. Cuomo pouring our tax dollars into projects. 

One seldom wants an “F” when it comes to grades, but, on this particular issue, I would welcome an “F”. 

The federal government will probably collect $6.65 trillion dollars this year, but that is not enough for Hillary Clinton who needs more for her progressive agenda

President Obama is trying to bypass Congress AGAIN with an effort to unilaterally raise the federal estate tax.

Nothing interrupts President Obama’s vacation, if this were Dubya or any republican president the press would be all over them.   Of course, if President Obama could find a way to blame the flooding on Climate Change we are sure he would be in Louisiana, however, facts show the flooding is not caused by man-made climate change

Trump exposed an ugly secret about Dems and African-Americans

Thursday’s with Gipperten.com